Best Websites to Buy Mahjong Cards

Many people love mahjong so much, but carrying the whole mahjong tile set everywhere can be cumbersome. Instead, they prefer a portable and quite solution: mahjong cards. Mahjong cards are great because they allow everyone to enjoy the game no matter where they go without making any noise.

This article will help you find the best mahjong cards for your needs. These websites offer a variety of options to choose from. You can find the perfect cards to suit your specific preferences.

National Mahjong League

If you are looking for American mahjong cards, then the National mahjong league should be your first choice. Over the years the league has been the arbitrator for everything about American Mahjong. Each year the League changes the hands and rules to add more excitement to the game.

They call playing cards "Kards" and the paper listing hands and rules for the year "Card." To receive the playing cards, you must order "Playing Kards" from their website. But usually, you will also need their "Card" to know the latest rules and play with other players.

The Mahjong Line

If you enjoy traveling and playing games, the mahjong line is a great choice for you. It offers fancier art on the cards. Perfect for those who want to combine their love for travel and games.

The mahjong line is a great option for anyone looking for a more stylish set of cards. They provide waterproof and tear-resistant mahjong cards with a sturdy box to carry and hold cards. They also redesigned each tile to add various custom art flavors to your game.

Playaway Mahjong Cards

A more beginner friendly option would be Playaway Mahjong Cards. Their mahjong cards are beautifully designed and come with instructions for both Traditional American Mahjong and Quick Play formats. If your hands are tired, you can use wooden Card Racks to free them up for calling and discarding cards quickly. These make them well suited for beginners and enthusiasts, especially for young kids.

Yellow Mountain Imports

For those who can handle multiple styles of mahjong game Yellow Mountain Imports serves as a better choice. They provide mahjong playing cards for both American and Asian mahjong gameplays. The cards are smooth, water-resistant PVC plastic, which makes them perfect for traveling.

General Websites

Popular game mahjong supply is also available on more general websites like Amazon, Ebay, and Etsy. These websites often sell used mahjong cards at a lower price and have reliable shipping options. But they cannot guarantee the quality and condition at the same time. Because of such reason, you may have to spend more time to navigate through their vast ocean of products and make careful choices.

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